Hi, and welcome to Somil Nagpal's home page! I used to call this site as my abode on the medium of the new era, the Internet- but I now learn that the Internet is also about as old as I am- in its 30's now. And the new era would probably mean abodes on mobile handsets, blogs, microchips and the like...

Well, if you are on this home page of mine, it is likely that you know me already and have pointed your browser to this page from my email address- which was the purpose I ended up buying the domain and creating this website as far back as 1997- and have not updated much since (sorry about that!). And in case you have just surfed in from a search engine or a link, hey, thanks- and a special welcome! Especially for the latter group, a brief intro- I am a healthcare professional, dabbling in the niche area of health financing, and as you can see, also a keen believer in Information Technology. The pages put together were a small attempt by me to learn more about webpages, graphic designing and the like- and it did help then.

I do hope to take out time soon, and update these pages again, add more stuff, and learn more in the bargain. But it's turned out to be a longish wait so far. But do enjoy what I put together way back in 1997, and don't forget to leave your comments in my guestbook!!

My page has alredy been visited times,since 12-12-97. Good no!!

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Sikhs at Indore

Some Links You Gotta Visit:

My Page On Sikhism
Somil's Bollywood Bonanza
My page on the Sikhs at Indore
Golden Jubilee of MGM Medical College

Somil's Bollywood Bonanza